четверг, 24 марта 2016 г.

Plants - Monsters .

The American tropics widespread vine with dark green leaves spreading the split form, and with drooping down from the stems thick aerial roots. It occurs in the indoor horticulture is called Monstera Monstera. Interestingly, this genus Araceae family includes about 50 species. In young plants smooth-edged leaves, the old and the older they get, and even dissected holed.The name of the plant chose German botanist of the nineteenth century Schott, giving it the root of the French word "monster", which is synonymous as are the "ugly monster". And of course, this naming plants was far not accidental, around preceded amazing historical events. We are deeply convinced that there is nothing terrible in the Monster, it is quite suitable for the cultivation and maintenance of residential buildings. Is that vsplaknёt sometimes confusing unenlightened gardeners who discovered on the leaves wet drops, tears. Experienced florists have long revealed the secret of her - too high humidity of the soil and crying monstera indicate rainfall.And in the days of the so-called Paraguayan War (1864 - 1870 years) the whole of Europe was dumbfounded by the turn of events in the distant South American country that are presented in the news papers. Possess the ability to sniff out and make public sensation, journalists, hungry for the most incredible news readers, told the following story. The Paraguayan Chaco province, some trees have been found - the monsters, under which more and more often the locals are human corpses and skeletons, wrapped in large leaves of these plants. There were desperate assumption that plants are found literally - murderers, the soul in its powerful embrace sacrifice, gnawing her and drinking the blood.Later his witness description of this plant gave E. Menninger in his book "Whimsical Trees": "Blossfeld, while living in Mato - Grosso, specifically investigate these stories. He discovered that it was a question of Philodendron bipinnatifidum, which really leaves reach a length of a meter or more. According to rumors, people are attracted to the tree strong fragrance of its flowers; the smell stunned them, like a drug, and then leaves to wrap around an unconscious victim and sucked her blood. The flowers really smell like very much, but the people to the tree in the sun scorched Chaco desert, where there are only thorns, attracted by its shadow and sweet fruit pulp, edible, and how it benefits related Monstera (Monstera deliciosa). However, any flowers or fruits in no poison or drug. The bodies of the same underneath it belonged to the wounded or dying of thirst the people who took refuge in the shade of a tree. Leaves, always flowing to the ground, really closed up on them, but not in order to suck their blood. According Blossfeldiana, this legend is still circulating in Brazil - it is too exciting to newspapers so easy to give it up. "From the book DG KHessaĭon read that philodendron and closely related to them monstera live in the tropical forests of South America, and in vivo reach a length of two hundred meters or more. A Philodendron bipinnatifidum - tree-like plant that is grown for decorative purposes in the UK. The height of adult plants in room conditions up to 1.3 meters. And so it is stuck to the innocent houseplants notoriety ...

Greens Attacks!

Wherever you look they are everywhere! Plants left their homes windowsill of our apartments and crawl on the walls, hide in business cards and on the bookshelves. No one is nowhere to escape from the grip of their branches! What will be next? Who will stop the overactive imagination landscape designers? Or form a new fashion trend? It seems that today is the time to make a theme landscaping.Fashionable become green walls. Admired from a small seed and stagger the imagination with books young shoots. Japanese scientists have created a special unit Herbi, for any cultivation of spices and herbs on conventional podokonnikah.Osobennye containers (up to schesti pieces) are strengthened to the central unit and are filled with the desired ingredients (seeds, land, as well as nutrients). Then the device regulates the flow of nutrients and water / Of course, you need to replenish the water supply, which is reminiscent of the lights on the containers. However, when you consider that you need to update about once a month, it can be convinced to say that the rise beloved spices and plants are almost without your participation and support / Continuing the theme of books. This time we will focus on the New York hotel does not currently have unique that combines the functions of a bookshop, hotel and library. The owners want to move away from the traditional division of rooms by age, color or country (by the way, most hotels do not stand out, even in ways), offering guests a new special style of the hotel library. The founder of the hotel, probably very fond of the book, however, if the authors of the worldwide library project invented to get rid of surplus books for the benefit of all people in the world, the hotel owners have figured out how to use the collected books for the benefit of increasing the popularity of the hotel. But this, of course, just my speculation.

Hurricanes and other natural disasters.

1. Last Hurricane Sandy caused damage to the United States, according to some sources of information, in the twenty billion dollars, and this is not the limit, it is possible further losses increase. Although hurricanes, tornadoes, tsunamis, earthquakes, and bring country-specific losses for the financial system, they are not harmful. After all, money to solve these problems, the US government is likely to take in interest-bearing debt at the Fed. Of course, it can not do this, to raise funds from the budget, but in this case, the latest incident would mean for the ordinary citizens of another tightening of belts.
2. Over the past hundred years, the number and severity of natural disasters is increasing rapidly. There is a logical question of what is the cause, or rather the main reasons for the strength of the relationship in all that is happening in this world it is impossible to establish a single root cause. The scientists of this field believe that the main reason is to increase the temperature of the planet associated with a constant increase in the burning of fossil energy sources. However, these assumptions almost no one but environmentalists do not pay enough attention.
The current system to date international trade is based on the extraction of profits from the product catalog in the regions with a low standard of living, and its sales in regions with high. It provides constant transport of the finished product and raw materials for its production. This causes an increased consumption of fossil fuel, mainly produced from petroleum. The use of alternative, renewable energy sources can rob profits modern oil companies. Recent use their capital to harden their positions, that is, make every effort to ensure that their products have been in demand as much as possible. To do this, they prevent the introduction of the use of other energy technologies. With the help of large amounts of capital to do it simply. Enough to buy a patent for the production of solar cells and other similar inventions or not fund research in a particular area, preventing it to do the rest.
The behavior of this hurricane raises suspicions that may seem ridiculous. He passes by Cuba as the storm, and then, like, subsides, and then suddenly a powerful falls directly to New York. One may get the impression that this hurricane, like previous ones, is a kind of weapon with which, one gets more and more accurate strikes on the bastion of democracy. Thanks to him for some time inactive smart this casino for the rich world - the world's stock markets. The Internet is already a joke heard for a long time, that the spirits of the martyrs of the Islamic avenge her murderers and slanderers. Jokers are less inclined to mysticism, suggest that this is a new kind of weapon - meteorological. And what if the next hurricane razmechet worldwide printing press, which printed a world currency, and will bring down those storage media, which recorded who and how should the Fed? However, after the issue, there is another no less interesting question. Do I need to conspirators in this case? Hurricanes are a consequence of using oil as an energy source. They are closing in on those whose actions gave rise to them.
Imagine our current civilization, which instantly abandoned oil and other fossil fuels! One thing is clear - to transport goods around the globe to sell their profitable becomes unacceptable. This will contribute to the development of production in the field of its direct consumption. This will change the course of development of the world economy from megalomania to mikromanii. Kinda revenge subsistence farming. Nowadays, most people still think the scale of a single country. It would seem that the Russian citizen should not be the case before, what is happening in South Africa, or in the same America, even in neighboring Kazakhstan. Now, however, there are problems of this nature, which can not be solved in a single country.
In conclusion we can only remember the prophecy of the Indian chief Seattle. Wise and impeccable warrior humbly accepted defeat, prepared for him by fate. Many times he told the great white chief, it is impossible to sell the air, river, earth, for it is with all, without exception, people and animals, and its creator, is a single unit. He has not seen a great tragedy that the people of his lot fell softly and slowly die on reservations. The fate of the white man, it seemed worse. Poison the air, polluting water, cut down forests, exterminated the animals, for the sake of profit, pale-faced, he predicted suffocate in their own waste miasma.
He promised them a bright and at the same time terrifying and painful end, which will follow the nightmare of their lives dedicated to the mutual humiliation, exploitation, extermination ...