пятница, 1 ноября 2013 г.

The new generation chooses aggression ..

Since then , as Russia was at the turn of fate ( in the most recent history ) , were on a break and the fate of many of her fellow citizens. This is particularly affected young people have not yet formed the moral of those who can be said - "no king in my head ." As a rule, they are easily influenced , and in general - are easily suggestible and often become easy targets (sometimes - in the literal sense) of every kind "fishers of souls." That today it is possible to oppose this evil ? Our interlocutor - Oleg I. Fights , MD, Ph.D. , assistant professor of psychiatry , psychotherapy and medical psychology at the rate of Neurology FPDO Stavropol State Medical Academy ( StSMA ) , psychotherapist Clinic border states StSMA .- It's no secret that now there is an information war , whose purpose - to destroy the ideology of the person, his personal structure , ideals and spiritual integrity and to impose new standards to do with himself and life , that is, change the old to the new ideology . From the standpoint of the history of this normal process - a change of generations , state regimes, and so on, but it is not acceptable that the new ideology was radically opposed to universal values ​​and cultivated aggression , lying, selfishness , destruction , not creation.- Simply put, it seeks to " destroy " a person from the inside ...- Yes, every individual , and the value system : state, spiritual , family - as a whole. It would seem that the whole vertical it will not be the fulcrum, not on what will make a start when you need to make a decision. Simply no system benchmarks for what path to move on. For example , high-quality build a house or save for quality and earn for themselves ; catch the culprit or not to risk it and stay in office; rude or grandma to help her get out of the trolley . Everyone acts based on their priorities , which are formed during life. If life's priorities are not formed and dominate over reason momentary desires and instincts - that such a person is vulnerable .- And it can take a "bare hands" ?- That's right. He becomes manageable, suppressed volitional functions , the behavior becomes chaotic , the capacity for purposeful activity is sharply reduced , and the short-term desires and emotions prevail over reason. In fact , this is a robot, " ready to eat ", devoid of feelings of love, compassion, neglecting the moral norms of behavior. Such a person is at the mercy of the lowest instincts , which are the reference points in his life. From my point of view, it is such a welcome result of the information war going in our country.- A role in this is played by television . After all, our people from the Soviet era , at the gene level, was laid the basic idea - all that comes from the screen - it's good , it's useful , it must be followed. But times have changed, television - also, and not for the better , and the genes continue to "work" ...- I have often had to meet such a thing as an "information terrorism" . This is when the broadcast through the media systematically destroy the stereotypes of behavior, feelings of fear, hopelessness , a sense of deadlock and aggression. If, for example , the attack on the explosion of the house takes the lives of fifty or a hundred people , the information "bomb" or , in other words , the negative impact of information affects millions of people , and eventually death occurs not physical, but moral and spiritual , a person loses their higher qualities that distinguish it from the animals. We can assume that in the end it will lead to a much more worse consequences for the state and the people. Of course , life, and even the one and only - is invaluable, and all of these numbers are abstract . And yet, the media propaganda aggression , destruction, selfishness, self-love , consumer attitudes towards life, perverted sexual behavior has an extremely damaging effect on the man himself, his inner axial view of the world , his relationship to the family and the working team . Proof of this , according to some scholars, is an increase to 70 % of borderline mental disorders in the population .- Oleg I. , with respect to the subject of conversation, I remembered the story fiction novel Belyaev "The Lord of the world." In general, the reality has accustomed us to the fact that all the prophecies of science fiction writers sooner or later come true , unfortunately, not the most radiant . So, there it was that the scientist has invented a device that can emit a directional flow of energy impacts , and the people who fall into the range of the radiation experienced mass hysteria , or mass causeless joy - depending on the parameters of these emissions . I think this is a pure current TV.- With some minor reservations that point of view can be taken . Indeed, similar technologies are developed and applied in the modern world as a means of remote groups of people. However, such an effect - the invisible and largely unconscious , as in the novel Belyaev. You can feel it , by analyzing their behavior , emotions , desires, but you need a certain skill . The information we receive through television and other media , is available for understanding our minds and we draw conclusions , what are the challenges , which imitate what want. Only it seems to us that these are the conclusions to which we have come on their own, without outside help and unobtrusive want this or that , as if that desire has always been. That is, through the media , you can gradually and imperceptibly to most of the people to shape their outlook, attitude to the various events that reinforce a sense of fear and panic , which further increases the suggestibility of the population and the ability to manage it . The most vulnerable to the children and young people , because they perceive to trust anything that comes from outside . The children have not yet formed a clear pattern of behavior and life principles to counteract the negative impact , to change a person for the worse.- Is it possible to oppose it ?- Radically oppose the one who has a great desire and taking a willful decision on the state level. Then there are men, and experts , and will all fall into place. Without waiting for a "leading " waves from the top, we have already started , and see it for yourself in the creation of an integrated rapid diagnosis of psychological and physical health of children and adolescents. The focus is now on the school children of the city of Stavropol. The clinic border states and the Department of psychotherapy StSMA for these purposes and has developed a program , " PROBE " ( healthy way of our children ) , which received a good response from psychologists city schools. Analogs of this program in Russia still do not know : we use the latest diagnostic system that can predict the characteristics of the development not only of psychological sphere, but also of all organs and systems. It is important to be identified as a psychological state is reflected in the development of solid and vice versa. The changes will be monitored for several years.- What is the program?- Pupils identify the place of least mental resistance - weaknesses . Then allocate risk - depending on the characteristics of , for example, are prone to addiction : drugs, alcohol , gaming , computer , or children with elevated levels of aggression are prone to criminal behavior . It is these children join the ranks of extremist organizations and youth movements aggressive orientation. You can identify children who are prone to anti-social behavior , which gather in groups to violate public order , bullies , attacking passers-by. A special category - the children do not want to live and are prone to suicide. Should be allocated weaknesses in psychology student to predict which way it will form below. Also identify children who are prone to diseases in the future, organs and organ systems . You can keep track of how guys change from grade 5 to the graduating class . This is necessary , because according to statistics, the health of children , as a psychological and somatic , deteriorates with age , and the statistics just terrible - 70-80 % with abnormalities .- The data is somewhat similar to the statistics City Military Commissariat , who are among the recruits exhibit no more than 20% relative to healthy young people - recruits . Recently I heard a story . In one school teacher asked a diary in response to the student kicked her in the stomach ... Students foul language directly in the classroom , and this is a common thing . The " PROBE " takes into account these realities ?- Indeed, school teachers beat the bells and have something . Kids have changed and times have changed . Features "probe " is very broad, and it was created in order to advance to predict the behavior of the child and to make recommendations , doing that , there is a chance to prevent future violations . We think about the health of the nation .- And some parents work aims ? After all, even diagnose a child without parental consent is not possible ?- The fact that psychological and other diagnostics is beyond the scope of medical examinations or medical examination of school children , and we are improving the outdated system , provide a modern methodological part and supervise the process. At this stage, the main role played by members of the department , clinics and psychological centers working with. In the near future, after the training of professionals , schools will be able to independently carry out a survey form recommendations , and we will be helping at the stage of correction.- I once had to write an article on the materials of the criminal case - forensic sketch . Student Network became a member of the computer game " break the system ", and has been involved in the organization , as it turned out , extremist . After passing a certain level, it was under the terms of the game put a dummy bomb under the city government building . And it's not trivial , " shooter" , but the real action. In fact , it's already finished a terrorist ...- This is an example of the impact of information aimed at the destruction of the personality of a teenager . Now more and more parents do not know what to do with children who are recruited into the sect , destructive wing paramilitary organization . These guys are practically inaccessible to education , and even the parent . We have to engage in treatment , remedial help to bring the children in a more or less controlled by the state .- The " probe" identified risk, and what's next?- In risk groups are forming recommendations of preventive activities that will be carried out with those guys . Already running a team and this program launched jointly by the Ministry of Education of the Stavropol Territory, the Department of Education of the city of Stavropol , security officials .We advise on an in-depth examination of specific groups of children neurologists , cardiologists , pediatricians and other narrow specialists . Someone will provide recommendations to deal not only within the school but also to individual psychologists in the social centers of Stavropol . It is important that the child is most adapted to school and studied with interest , and not slipping into semi-criminal environment.While all of these programs are implemented on the basis of one of the schools of the regional center .18 December organizational meeting held seminar, participants were teachers, psychologists , law enforcement officers , members of the clergy . In the next step will be to connect schools and parent committees just parents.- What did the first steps of this program?- Results not yet fully processed, but preliminary picture is a joyless - increased aggression in 90 % of cases. These are the teens who are young people enter adulthood and then form the aggressive patterns of behavior .

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