The occurrence of lightning very complex physical process still remains an under-researched . In nature, there are several types of lightning , the most mysterious of which is a ball .Samu fireball scientists noticed and described long ago. However, as it is formed , we can only guess. Known only by the properties and capabilities are not endowed fireball people in the old days ! Ball
lightning attributed the properties of a certain nature , aliens ,
supernatural forces and a number of other unexplained phenomena because
they could not explain the nature and behavior of this type of
lightning. Accurate scientific theories of ball lightning there to this day .Based
on observations , the researchers came to the conclusion that ball
lightning is somehow connected with electricity , or rather the
electrical phenomena in gases. For
the emergence of life and of decisive importance is the presence of a
strong electric field , which would produce a gas discharge . Obviously,
the ball lightning in an area with very high temperatures ( in
thousands of kelvins ), most likely composed of plasma. The
scientists also found that the fireballs are not stable and metastable
systems, and appears to represent the decay of the plasmoid , but for
some reason very slow .Many
scientists have tried to create ball lightning in the laboratory , but
the fact that they were able to play, there was a few seconds and is not
consistent with the natural phenomenon. In
modern science, there are many theories to explain the appearance of
ball lightning , but none of them can be tested in practice.The essence of one of the latest theories (hypotheses of L.Holmlid) is to ensure that the fireballs are Rydberg matter. It
should be noted that the group L.Holmlid prepared under laboratory
conditions until Rydberg substance not to create fireballs , and to
obtain high-power ion and electron beams . The
hypothesis that ball lightning is a Rydberg matter is one of the most
plausible and explains most of the observed properties of ball lightning
, from their ability to be composed of different atoms and occur in
different circumstances and opportunities to penetrate the walls of
buildings and restore the spherical shape .On
Earth, there is up to a thousand fireballs at the same time , however,
the probability of once in my life seen such a lightning accounts for
only 0.01%.
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