пятница, 1 ноября 2013 г.

Productive lightning.

The average length of 2.5 km lightning . Some discharges in the atmosphere extends to a distance of 20 km .

Lightning benefit : they manage to snatch out of the air million tons of nitrogen , tie it and send it to the ground, fertilizing the soil.

Saturn lightning is a million times stronger than the Earth

70 % of lightning victims are men

Lightning usually consists of three or more repeated discharges - pulses occurring at the same way. The intervals between successive pulses are very short , from 1/ 100 to 1/10 sec ( this is due to lightning flickering ) .

World centers of thunderstorms : the island of Java - 220 , Sub-Saharan Africa - 150 , Southern Mexico - 142 Panama - 132, central Brazil - 106 thunderstorm days per year. Russia : Murmansk - 5, Archangel - 10 , St. Petersburg - 15 , Moscow - 20 thunderstorm days per year.

The air in the area of the lightning channel instantly warmed to a temperature of 30 000-33 000 ° C

From the lightning in the world at an average annual kill nearly 3,000 people

Of the 100 trees are affected by lightning 27% poplar , 20% pears. , 12% lime and 8% oil, and only 0.5 % of cedar .

Statistics show that in the 5000-10000 flight hours have a lightning strike on the plane, fortunately, almost all of the damaged aircraft continued flying.This electrical discharge easily gives rise fires , and is powerful enough to cause injury or even kill a person . Lightning also helps to naturally put nitrogen into the ground , which is essential for plant growth.
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