a light hand of the American educator and lawyer Nancy Ann clans in
1982 wrote the book "The awareness of life through color," fluttered
word Indigo. So she called the children born to the purple, blue, blue aura. Color as sound, vibration is. Each of the main colors of the spectrum has a certain wavelength in the red is the longest wave. The total short and long color waves cause vibrating process or sound that we hear. Children are born with different colored auras, not only indigo - yellow, green, red, black aura. The most mysterious and little-studied in humans black aura. Certain clarity regarding the indigo children do not have, here,
"piled up" features, both positive and negative, with all the children
listed above auras.
Left in the west and we have translated the book Lee Carroll and Jane Touberg "Indigo Children" and Doreen Virtue "Indigo Child Care" does not provide a precise and clear answer to this problem. The authors in their books refer to each other.
Your attention, dear readers, is provided not the usual information - colored auras of children and adults. It is yellow, indigo, green, red, and "black" color auras. Color aura this man at his birth, already pre-determines its aim and purpose on the Earth plane. But the man himself is not given with a few exceptions knowledge of their purpose in life, a purpose. By knowing your goals and purpose in this life is preceded by hard work on their cultivation with no lunch breaks and holidays in Turkey. The spiritual world is multifaceted, and it is necessary to be illuminated (seen). When the student is ready, the teacher appears. Ordinary worldly knowledge base presupposes knowledge acquired in school, college, institute with a wide range of interests. In the spiritual world does not teach that you have to learn on earth, there comes a continuation of the training orientation in view of the man, his features. The purpose of training is not disclosed in advance, and it is revealed much later as confidence, often in the second stage of training. In the spiritual teaching people the knowledge and direct the Master. Having mastered the knowledge of teachers, he moves on.
Aura Green
Classes are in the spiritual world does not imply Run Games for all sorts of courses psychic and spiritual practice on the Earth plane. There is a lock of the "runner" of true knowledge and spiritual world. True spiritual training involves self-study in the world that makes the mind and gives an inquisitive personality criterion of the truth of any knowledge.
The phenomenon of the colored auras of children and adults raised in our time is very relevant. In the press and in books galore lying on the shelves, in all variants of Indigo exaggerated word, and because children are born with a yellow aura - 5 race, green, red, 'black' - 6 race. Children and adults with colored auras were at all times and ages (the Bible Genesis Chapter 6). Indigo Children, Green, Red born before certain planetary or man-made disasters. Of the one hundred percent of all children born to approximately 30% - Indigo, 32% - green, 15% - Red and others. Research and spiritual research on the colored auras are very complex, any modern equipment is powerless here. Sam researcher of this problem must be green and have a fiery dedication to possess two levels of diagnostics of karma:- The first level - the atomic,- Second layer - tantalum (metal level in the residual reactions)
Most progressive and safe for the health of the second level.The researcher sees this level all the colored auras and their transformation. He owns level vision system G (ji). This system includes:- A vision of "the third eye";- Sighted spine;- Seeing palm.
An ordinary clairvoyance - "third eye" karma diagnosis and colored aura unavailable.We live in a world of energy. Any action of the person, her thoughts and actions produce vibration and resonance frequency, which are recorded biofield of the person maintaining the space-time coordinates in the present and the past. It creates a causal relationship between human actions in the past with the investigation in the present. Thus creating a causal logical system that is shaping the future of man and act on now. The investigation and its display have different effects chronal stable chronal constant in their manifestations there. In particular biofield of the person to record information about themselves, their actions and the karma based diagnostics.
Aura KrasnogoInformatsionno-recording system has a certain capacity of the individual. System Overload beyond the regulatory capacity leads to a nervous breakdown.
With the introduction of the operator into an altered state of consciousness ISS is read the necessary information from the person with a history of each event, as by any reason there is a binding energy to the investigation, and vice versa.
When entering the exact cause of the negative consequences of going resonant frequencies match and causes the operating frequency of the operator, which creates the necessary conditions for the subsequent correction of the individual. This makes it possible to identify any diseases at an early stage with great certainty predict any social events in the future. If the reason for his rezononsno-vibration characteristics above the operating frequency of the operator, then there is its lock on the vision.
In the study of the colored auras of their transformation and design features amaze even media aura of indigo not all the same features on the biofield and color saturation of the aura. It plays a significant role alien genetics and its planetary features (Bible: Genesis: Chapter 6, Zecharia Sitchin "Genetic engineering of the gods"). To study this problem can only owning diagnosis of karma in two, and even higher levels.
So what is karma? The word Karma is derived from the Sanskrit word "Cree" - do act ... Every action is karma. All the blows of fate, our feelings and actions, tears and smiles, joy and sorrow, crying and laughing with our blessings and curses, diseases and bad things - everything put together is called karma. All that we are doing mentally or physically, there is karma, and it leaves its mark our biofield, that is recorded.
1. Active burdened heredity on his father's birth. Alcohol shape.2. burdened heredity birth mother. Passive form.3. Thoughtform unwanted child (mother's curse).4. 666 - domestic curse from the area of the head injury.5. Household negative like "evil eye."6. Hereditary diseases by the father.7. Hereditary diseases of mother.
One of the most difficult types of structures is karmic curse 666, which scattered many - is one of the most difficult phenomena of negative energy. This does more harm to the health of someone cursed. From the curse of suffering generations and families. People languish, suffer, "are melting before our eyes." They are prone to depression, stress, chronic bad luck. Diseases that are accompanied by curses - it strokes, heart attacks, infertility (male and female), epilepsy, cancer. Medicine is powerless in these cases, since the disease does not cause vyrezhesh scalpel. Once arisen it will manifest consequence again.
Karma - are special types of super energy. It has a weight, color, shape, divided into male and female, and it is characterized by a certain transformation in the seasonal periods. negative karma weight can be measured. The author of this article had to measure the weight of negative karma in 1999 at public lectures in Berlin (Germany).
Diagnostics of karma - it is a complex psycho-physiological and spiritual process that occurs in the body diagnostician on the background of spiritual enlightenment - this is when the energy fields of the pineal and pituitary glands are merged into one general color field. Under normal circumstances, the background color of the same, as in selected individuals, it's different. Diagnostics of karma is due to the use of nuclear energy of the spine diagnostician. Thus it enters operating mode.
The first stage of the process - input mode. The input mode is an intensive energy space fence bioactive points of the left side of the body and operator channels fingers of his left hand. Part of the energy goes to create a protective shell - the nuclear shield of the spinal column. Thus there is a flurry of activation of the spinal substance body and all of the bone marrow. The energy intensity of the activated cerebral substance of the body, compared to the strength of the biofield is increased by several hundred times. Activated atomic billboard space more intensively conducts energy intake. Formed energoizluchayuschy circuit, where the left side of the body - energozabornaya, and the right - emitting. There is a soft radiation bioradioaktivnoe energokontura, fixed radiation monitoring sensors. At the exit - long-wave, when it passes through the skin biofield - shortwave. The cerebral cortex in the first stage of the process is not involved. In the first step of the process involved only the pineal gland (third eye).
The second stage of the process - activates the right and left margins of consciousness, and directly associated with it right and left hemispheres of the cerebral cortex. Both hemispheres come to full mode of perception. Included are powerful mechanisms for generic and genetic memory and triggers the inclusion mechanism in the information field of the Earth (Akashic Chronicles). Immune background and metabolic processes are amplified several hundred times. All the chakras are open and fully operational. In addition to the nuclear shield formed a second defensive system diagnostician field from the influence of foreign energy. There is acceleration time.
Bioradioaktivny background in the workplace increased slightly. Blood taken for analysis during the session will show an easy form of leukemia.The first level diagnostics of karma - nuclear. It is described above.The second level of the diagnosis of karma - tantalum (metal residual level reactions). In possession of the body is reconstructed, formed atomic chemical combi-reactor is used as the working metal tantalum raw materials synthesized by the body diagnostician. The chemical reactor is burned dialed domestic and accumulated negativity with the release of ultraviolet and infrared radiation. In this case also there is a strong high-frequency 300-400 thousand hertz and above the electromagnetic radiation along the contour of the biofield diagnostician, unlike the first atomic level, where the process occurs in the spinal column, which had a negative impact on the state of his body. This suggests that the way to the study of color auras is only through diagnostics of karma. And most researcher have to be green with a high degree of dedication. And there is no such thing as some illiterate psychics, "Do you own technique, I - his own." The entrance of this one problem, and I is described.
Over 17 years of healing and other practices I have assisted five thousand five hundred people. Accumulated huge informative material, a sample of which formed the basis of this book. In the book you will find answers to many questions, I will answer your phone calls. But you should know that getting to the universal knowledge of the way - the way the Master of life, try to see the invisible, hear the inaudible, be empathetic, compassionate, careful, careful. All the knowledge that will come to you, check for validity. Meeting with me is only possible on the way. May God help you!
Indigo, Green, Red, Black - who they are! Biofield shell and energokonstruktivnye particular aura of children with yellow, green, indigo and black aura differ significantly from each other. The most irrational Biofield field of personality structure in people with a yellow aura. As a rule, it is the common man - the representative of the fifth race. Aura of eggs: the energy intensity of the cocoon is the same everywhere, but still weak in the area of the knees and heels. The range of electromagnetic oscillations is 66.6 Hertz, a number of Satan's absolutely not related. The Revelation says 666 is not the number of the beast, and the number of a man 6 + 6 + 6 = 18 1 + 8 = 9. Number 9 - Human space code. It is relatively clean genotype of the individual without any structural pathology. cultivators body. Body Evolution, its development is very different from our ancient ancestors. The blood as a source of vitality in yellow has no effective system of self-cleaning, self-poisoning occurs it gradually during the 1000-1200 years. Genus extinct.Indigo
Biofield energy features of the Indigo aura differ significantly from the Yellow aura. The energy field frame on the map seems diagnostics in the form of a rhombic field of two or three rhombuses of blue, purple. Attention is drawn to the unusual nature of this field is clearly not inherent in human genetics earth.
Conventional seven chakras, we are used to, is not here. Each chakra is a rhombus, which by its design features significantly different from the normal chakra. Energy possibility of such a rhombic chakra is a hundred times higher than normal chakra. The second energy shell constructively covers rhombic frame on the tops of lozenges. It Biofield shell earthly man. Both fields are protected by a strong field shell against unauthorized intrusion. Energy first rhombic contour Indigo works on nuclear energy of the spine. Field circuit pumping occurs in extreme conditions. Contour instantly into operation. There is a large release of energy and adrenaline, which gives unlimited possibilities of man-Indigo. Upper information perceptual channel at Indigo closed and opens it in the most unexpected places: the heel, back, etc. Indigo Children are closed on the perception of cognitive information in the usual way through the book, informative sources. It is noteworthy that all Indigo biofield shell first and second (human and rhombic) do not cover his head. Protected thought process there. The illustrations 1 and 2, the symbol of a circle with rays - a symbol of the human soul, in Indigo are two. Two of genetics: the earthly and unearthly. In ancient legends and sacred texts all over the world, including in the Bible, Genesis chapter 6, there are links to visit the Earth extraterrestrial civilizations naturally occurred incest. Especially a lot of details about the Earth visiting representatives of another civilization is on Sumerian clay tablets. Cuneiform texts transcribed by many scientists, including one of them Zecharia Sitchin, give specific facts about the Earth visiting different extraterrestrial civilizations, with the names of the first "man-god". Returning again to the Indigo.
Comparing the above we can safely say that the two persons are in the same body shell, which often do not get along with each other, a clear dominance in the body and psyche are no management. They are born into this world without life and social life of the program. They laid down a program of acquisition of positive experience negative way even in good conditions. No respect for the parents of the program, the state laws of learning. They are lazy, cruel, cunning. They have no compassion, even to friends. They are vindictive, suffer from kleptomania. Physically very strong, have a strong healthy body, rarely get sick. Prone to gastrointestinal disease. Increased hyperactivity cortex, hypersexuality, gipersila. Endurance in ecologically unfavorable environment, can withstand high levels of radiation and chemical contamination. The psychological characteristics at Indigo almost 90% can read such definitions as self-centeredness, stiffness, instability of interests and hobbies, the insufficient level of social perception, the lack of need for the motivational sphere, the low level of claims, lack of perseverance and persistence in achieving goals, and this is not complete list. Negative program built into Indigo children starts from 6-7 years. This is reflected in the child's hyperactivity that affects learning in school. Material metabolize poorly due to increased activity and inattention in the classroom. A serious disease of the cerebral cortex do not have. They prefer to turn out their experience, fenced off from other people's experience and advice. They are very curious that they like. How quickly they are addicted to something, so fast and cool. Optionally, never with a few exceptions, this did not deter them word. As a rule, very polite with adults and it is captivating. Neat and accurate. Try to anybody conflict, resolve a negative situation is not longer responding to it. Come what may. For them the authority - is power, and knowledge is only in second place. Perfectly versed in any technique, especially in computers. Can not read the instructions, adjust any equipment. Work do not like and use for this purpose any tricks. The currently selected friends younger age, to command them.
Fantastic liars, may lie to the absurd. The criminal situation always say that they are led, although this is not always the case. Has an increased ability of suggestion surrounding exculpatory motives in his address. Try everything: from sniffing paint (substance abuse) to the alcohol and is very well versed in it, and his qualities. Rarely get drunk. In case of overdose of liquor out of control, becoming unmanageable. Often they steal home, but they steal very skillfully. They can put a parent in a purse instead of a thousandth denominations of ten rubles in return, at worst, take everything. And then, when the parent almost sticks his head in the wallet in search of money were there, with their Indigo angelic smile asks for money for ice cream. Head of Indigo with vertical and horizontal dashes - are pieces of self-assembled matrix of consciousness. IQ 90% Indigo does not correspond to the physiological age. For example, her 16 years, but the mind and behavior of her like a seven-year child. Parents give the child's body, mind and accumulating it himself.
We are in the schools, in the universities taught that the thought process of excitation and inhibition occurs in the cerebral cortex, which we think them. Latest metaphysical study using triple clairvoyance showed that a person other than the two hemispheres of the cerebral cortex there are two energy fields of the right and left hemispheres of the mind that are in the space around the head. Loose Holey temples bone structure - it is nothing like the local fields of consciousness entrance area of the right and left hemispheres of the cerebral cortex. Any person thinking process takes place in the mind field. The function of the cerebral cortex - the distribution of information on the specific needs of the body. Develops the field of mind - to develop the mechanism of distribution (Figure 8.). In yoga, there are even special exercises to expand the field of reason. The ancients knew this phenomenon. Official science denies it.
Modern Russian psychology, psychiatry and pedagogy do not accept the phenomenon of children with the colored auras. The phenomenon of Indigo, Green, Yellow, Black does not fit the classical scientific concepts. In higher education institutions, secondary and primary vocational education in Russia does not know what to do with this group of students. In critical situations, they simply expelled. Teachers of all levels of education were painted in his own helplessness when faced with this problem.
Fertility Indigo is constantly increasing. In contrast to them there is a increase in Green fertility. Seventy percent of sitting in prison - this is Indigo. Addicts - Indigo. Perverts of all degrees - Indigo. Who in the army shooting guards and his companions? Indigo. In prostitution, mainly Indigo. Throughout the comprehension of negative experiences.
The problem of Indigo, Green, Red, Black deep roots in alien genetics. Most ufologists came close to the issue. And the term "star children" does not always match the quality. Here is more suitable word "hybrid". Earth genetics ordinary person with the introduction of genetics to other worlds. The Bible has the answer to this riddle: "Then the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose" (Bible Genesis Chapter 6). Other sources also said that the sons of God, and looked to the ground from a height of seven heavens and saw how beautiful the earth woman, and went down to join with them in marriage. Many diagnostic cards Indigo, Green, Red and Yellow traces of the invasion. This study probes of various configurations: round, square, triangular with outgoing signals from them. Studying the properties of the implanted sensors (implants) showed their great technological and technical capabilities. A large percentage of Indigo have information transmission implants. Some research found maps studying robotic system with alpha-numeric indices, such as PY-XX951, PI-YY8, owned by Altair, Saturn, Dagon et al. (Fig. 10). It affects the magnitude of the birth of a large number of children with "imported genetics", it means that someone is necessary and peace to something prepared. We are not alone in the universe, a mixture of genetics has always been. Only thirty or forty years or even more, Indigo produced vital program, formed a positive matrix of consciousness, and they are beginning to realize that they need in this life.
I have many Indigo complained that their parents are not home, that home somewhere far ... Native Blood calls and sometimes very aggressively. There is a lot to take on the body, on which you can find a person on the other genetics. About ten or twelve differences.
The material described above is written on the basis of three-stage research material specific individuals. The first stage - the diagnosis of karma on heredity. The second stage - diagnosis of energy fields of the individual: the device configuration. The third stage - the state of the field of consciousness, and its design features.
In terms of future research should aim to go out on the genetics of star parents as possible to study their genetics, location in the galaxy, etc.
Hardware methods of research on color auras are not available due to the imperfection of man-made equipment. There must be a researcher himself green with salad and silver aura, which owns the diagnosis of karma on two levels: the atomic and tantalum, and triple vision, having a high degree of spiritual initiations, one of which must necessarily be a fire, the second - Titan, the third - the "son of God" that is easy to read the Akashic records.
Indigo fiercely resist his study. Their program is initially unreachable code study. Indigo extrasensory very sensitive. Once I made the diagnosis to his son while he was away, and he is a typical Indigo, when suddenly the phone rang. I picked up the phone, and the son said to me: "There you go again on my shaman ... Well, do you got me." I was taken aback by surprise. Indigo is very sociable, they like to be removed from his master's shoulder brand new leather jacket and exchange it for a ragged jerkin a statement to parents that he had long wanted to have this. If your child will go for a walk in the new trendy shoes and come home in torn sneakers with protruding fingers, do not be surprised one more story like, 'that went to a heavy downpour, and it demolished the shoes and to walk home, these shoes in broad daylight gave him one Glory ". Feel free to go to Glory shoes and take away her son.
If Indigo to thirty years will be engaged in self-improvement, then reach some success. If your son or daughter after a long moral raspekaniya for some misdeed said, 'Well, I do not know how it happened, I could not do anything, it goes against my will "- believe him, he is telling the truth. This work program is negative, and make a dent in this program, it is extremely difficult, not having studied the features of the program.
Indigo at life through four stages of development.
The first - from 7 to 12 years. The problems are just beginning, mostly in school: in the classroom restlessness, poor performance. They have a dominant right hemisphere. Prone to learn through tactile sensation. Indigo children receive and send information via emotions and physical senses, although they see and hear information on occupations, their brain does not make it through visual and auditory analyzers. Clairsentience is a form of mental communication or intuition Indigo. They have a sensitive innate abilities. In the classroom if the teacher says about the car, it must be real to a child Indigo could touch her.
According to the American Academy of Pediatrics children more than adults, are subject to the negative impact of environmentally harmful food additives - it's a variety of flavors, dyes, may cause or aggravate behavioral problems. According to a series of studies, food dyes aggravate the symptoms of ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder). When food colors and other food additives removed from the diet, ADHD symptoms subside.
You receive an unhealthy interest in money, but the price they do not know the Indigo. Interest in the technology: can easily make out the technical device, but not always gather. Always busy actively seeking friends like themselves. Among the diseases "frequent guests" at Indigo are all kinds of hepatitis, umbilical and inguinal hernia, enuresis, which is often the traditional medical treatment does not give in, and passes with age to 18 years. Approximately 5-6 years Indigo starts to grow and dominate alien genetics, drowning out the main earth. It seems that an unknown substance in the human body poselёnnaya amazement exploring a new world for her people, learns his negative way. Knowledge lasts up to 30-40 years. Having the experience of the second entity or genetically transformed podselenets "sleep", giving the reins of the earthly body and soul. It wakes up only in extreme situations. Too active actions of the second entity in the Indigo develop into an obsession, which is difficult to deal with - this is the function of exorcism.
The second stage from 12 to 20 years. Full unwillingness to learn, play truant for no apparent reason. IQ is very low. IQ indigo about 80-90 (in the ordinary course of human average IQ 110). They leave the house without the knowledge of parents for a period of weeks to 3 months: wander, work. Circle of communication: thieves, drug addicts, prostitutes. Try drugs and rarely sit on any one. Frankly and brazenly steal home and wherever it is possible. All the gifts that he presented to parents and friends give out or sell. Have often leads to the police. Their sentences more than once. Sport, but has a well-developed body. Love in the big noisy companies celebrate festivals, where they are - good organizers. Many of them play well on the guitar and sing. Adventurers by nature - the risk to the point of criminality. Have a good psychic powers, and a hypnotic influence on others. It is easy to fix and can inspire one or the other situation favorable for them. Surrounding often believe them: their appearance, imaginary helplessness have to yourself. Often, to get out of a difficult situation, bordering on crime, stipulate relatives and friends, and then swear that they did not say. They like to push the parents foreheads nagovarivaya negative father about his mother, and the mother of his father. In the heated family quarrel behave neutrally as if this incident occurred not because of him.
The third stage: 20-30 years. Dreamers and visionaries. After repeated prison otsidok a normal social level out difficult. We need constant unobtrusive help tip. Direct assistance to accept reluctantly, and if they take advice, prefer to take it in allegorical form, which eventually give for his decision. Running around at work, anywhere for a long time without stopping. Living one day. Books read rarely, mostly colorful technical journals for the automotive, arms, audio and video equipment. It is easy to insinuate themselves into the confidence of those who do not know them. Rarely get sick. They are attracted to military service. Responsibilities do not like.
The fourth stage: 30-40 years. Intelligible motives negativity of their actions more and more often become apparent Indigo. They begin to understand themselves, their psychological characteristics, others. Gradually decreases and ceases activity alien genetics. Activated earth genetics, blocked with 6-7 years of age. The process of learning goes by leaps and bounds. 30-40 year-old Indigo surprised anew exploring the world around us. And it is only now beginning to understand that it is not necessary it was to rob, kill, take drugs ... He realized how much is lost and wasted time ... propyl, lost property. Gone to another world, both or one of the parents. Help nowhere to wait, all have turned away.
In the fourth stage appear two sub-steps:a) Be as it will be an endless sitting in prisons without willful effort to change anything.b) A strong desire to change their own destiny, to return the lost, to take their rightful place in society.
But in any case he needs Advisor. Fate rarely takes the Indigo both parents, one still remains. Listening to the advice of his parents, he at the same time looking for a second counselor on the side. And that's fine.
With a strong positive motivation it becomes easy and accessible any business and business. They know how to win the interlocutor. Living for a long time. At 40-45 years old with stable good jobs or their businesses are becoming very economical in everyday life with a dash of pathological greed. Emotions are raging in the soul, is not always reflected on the face of Indigo. He skillfully keeps the mask. At any age, the Indigo is unpredictable in its actions, the feeling of pity or mercy is not always available to him in person. But he has one feature of the soul, which, if it is to capture, allows to control the actions of Indigo at any age. As a rule, any negative situation Indigo plan ahead, indirectly informing the parents in a veiled form, waiting for how parents perceive it. There is a desire to get advice how to act in a negative situation, obtain an indirect approval, and if negative, the calculations to why. This form of "use" Indigo their parents have to catch that will make it possible to nullify any negative situation of your child. 40-50 years to your indigo. May God help you live up to that moment when your heart will choke quiet joy for his son or daughter. More often drive a son, a daughter to church, speak intelligently and wisely with them. If you want to take him to a psychologist, the psychologist should not be a former indigo. Otherwise, visit by visit of the psychologist would be equal to zero, and in the worst case, can dramatically disrupt behavioral motives of your son, daughter.
A good psychologist should know all the nuances of color characteristics of all auras, to know them approach their demeanor. And will not help any psychological tests. Aides psychologist working with these categories of children - is a high spiritual level, an inquisitive mind, knowledge of the occult sciences. If you comprehend all this and even more, then you are out on the path of the master, you - Green! Psychologist, psychiatrist must possess psychic abilities, otherwise that he is a psychologist is necessary to speak in a whisper.
The range of electromagnetic oscillations at the Indigo 30-40 thousand hertz and above. They all can be diagnosed: "insufficient attention span syndrome" with hyperactivity. Prefer nocturnal, resting during the day. They do only what they understand. Do not respond to coercion, notation, and various types of punishment. They love when they are respected and treated as an adult.
Foster children Indigo transform lives of foster parents in hell. In the small "unconscious" plan they are to steal. Negative action program-Indigo children is enhanced by several times in the negative direction after adoption, adoption. Surprisingly, normal children grow up in families of alcoholics in a large percentage. Apparently this is because the program is not broken sharply, planted in these children, as opposed to foster. It plays an important role foster parents negative karma and negative karma of indigo. Often, they are incompatible. By the choice of the child must be treated very carefully and responsibly. It is not always advisable to deprive parents of their parental rights to this category of children. Bodies of social care should be provided targeted assistance to such children in special dispensaries, with unobtrusive techniques corrective actions on their behavioral motives, and parallel work with parents.
Left in the west and we have translated the book Lee Carroll and Jane Touberg "Indigo Children" and Doreen Virtue "Indigo Child Care" does not provide a precise and clear answer to this problem. The authors in their books refer to each other.
Your attention, dear readers, is provided not the usual information - colored auras of children and adults. It is yellow, indigo, green, red, and "black" color auras. Color aura this man at his birth, already pre-determines its aim and purpose on the Earth plane. But the man himself is not given with a few exceptions knowledge of their purpose in life, a purpose. By knowing your goals and purpose in this life is preceded by hard work on their cultivation with no lunch breaks and holidays in Turkey. The spiritual world is multifaceted, and it is necessary to be illuminated (seen). When the student is ready, the teacher appears. Ordinary worldly knowledge base presupposes knowledge acquired in school, college, institute with a wide range of interests. In the spiritual world does not teach that you have to learn on earth, there comes a continuation of the training orientation in view of the man, his features. The purpose of training is not disclosed in advance, and it is revealed much later as confidence, often in the second stage of training. In the spiritual teaching people the knowledge and direct the Master. Having mastered the knowledge of teachers, he moves on.
Aura Green
Classes are in the spiritual world does not imply Run Games for all sorts of courses psychic and spiritual practice on the Earth plane. There is a lock of the "runner" of true knowledge and spiritual world. True spiritual training involves self-study in the world that makes the mind and gives an inquisitive personality criterion of the truth of any knowledge.
The phenomenon of the colored auras of children and adults raised in our time is very relevant. In the press and in books galore lying on the shelves, in all variants of Indigo exaggerated word, and because children are born with a yellow aura - 5 race, green, red, 'black' - 6 race. Children and adults with colored auras were at all times and ages (the Bible Genesis Chapter 6). Indigo Children, Green, Red born before certain planetary or man-made disasters. Of the one hundred percent of all children born to approximately 30% - Indigo, 32% - green, 15% - Red and others. Research and spiritual research on the colored auras are very complex, any modern equipment is powerless here. Sam researcher of this problem must be green and have a fiery dedication to possess two levels of diagnostics of karma:- The first level - the atomic,- Second layer - tantalum (metal level in the residual reactions)
Most progressive and safe for the health of the second level.The researcher sees this level all the colored auras and their transformation. He owns level vision system G (ji). This system includes:- A vision of "the third eye";- Sighted spine;- Seeing palm.
An ordinary clairvoyance - "third eye" karma diagnosis and colored aura unavailable.We live in a world of energy. Any action of the person, her thoughts and actions produce vibration and resonance frequency, which are recorded biofield of the person maintaining the space-time coordinates in the present and the past. It creates a causal relationship between human actions in the past with the investigation in the present. Thus creating a causal logical system that is shaping the future of man and act on now. The investigation and its display have different effects chronal stable chronal constant in their manifestations there. In particular biofield of the person to record information about themselves, their actions and the karma based diagnostics.
Aura KrasnogoInformatsionno-recording system has a certain capacity of the individual. System Overload beyond the regulatory capacity leads to a nervous breakdown.
With the introduction of the operator into an altered state of consciousness ISS is read the necessary information from the person with a history of each event, as by any reason there is a binding energy to the investigation, and vice versa.
When entering the exact cause of the negative consequences of going resonant frequencies match and causes the operating frequency of the operator, which creates the necessary conditions for the subsequent correction of the individual. This makes it possible to identify any diseases at an early stage with great certainty predict any social events in the future. If the reason for his rezononsno-vibration characteristics above the operating frequency of the operator, then there is its lock on the vision.
In the study of the colored auras of their transformation and design features amaze even media aura of indigo not all the same features on the biofield and color saturation of the aura. It plays a significant role alien genetics and its planetary features (Bible: Genesis: Chapter 6, Zecharia Sitchin "Genetic engineering of the gods"). To study this problem can only owning diagnosis of karma in two, and even higher levels.
So what is karma? The word Karma is derived from the Sanskrit word "Cree" - do act ... Every action is karma. All the blows of fate, our feelings and actions, tears and smiles, joy and sorrow, crying and laughing with our blessings and curses, diseases and bad things - everything put together is called karma. All that we are doing mentally or physically, there is karma, and it leaves its mark our biofield, that is recorded.
1. Active burdened heredity on his father's birth. Alcohol shape.2. burdened heredity birth mother. Passive form.3. Thoughtform unwanted child (mother's curse).4. 666 - domestic curse from the area of the head injury.5. Household negative like "evil eye."6. Hereditary diseases by the father.7. Hereditary diseases of mother.
One of the most difficult types of structures is karmic curse 666, which scattered many - is one of the most difficult phenomena of negative energy. This does more harm to the health of someone cursed. From the curse of suffering generations and families. People languish, suffer, "are melting before our eyes." They are prone to depression, stress, chronic bad luck. Diseases that are accompanied by curses - it strokes, heart attacks, infertility (male and female), epilepsy, cancer. Medicine is powerless in these cases, since the disease does not cause vyrezhesh scalpel. Once arisen it will manifest consequence again.
Karma - are special types of super energy. It has a weight, color, shape, divided into male and female, and it is characterized by a certain transformation in the seasonal periods. negative karma weight can be measured. The author of this article had to measure the weight of negative karma in 1999 at public lectures in Berlin (Germany).
Diagnostics of karma - it is a complex psycho-physiological and spiritual process that occurs in the body diagnostician on the background of spiritual enlightenment - this is when the energy fields of the pineal and pituitary glands are merged into one general color field. Under normal circumstances, the background color of the same, as in selected individuals, it's different. Diagnostics of karma is due to the use of nuclear energy of the spine diagnostician. Thus it enters operating mode.
The first stage of the process - input mode. The input mode is an intensive energy space fence bioactive points of the left side of the body and operator channels fingers of his left hand. Part of the energy goes to create a protective shell - the nuclear shield of the spinal column. Thus there is a flurry of activation of the spinal substance body and all of the bone marrow. The energy intensity of the activated cerebral substance of the body, compared to the strength of the biofield is increased by several hundred times. Activated atomic billboard space more intensively conducts energy intake. Formed energoizluchayuschy circuit, where the left side of the body - energozabornaya, and the right - emitting. There is a soft radiation bioradioaktivnoe energokontura, fixed radiation monitoring sensors. At the exit - long-wave, when it passes through the skin biofield - shortwave. The cerebral cortex in the first stage of the process is not involved. In the first step of the process involved only the pineal gland (third eye).
The second stage of the process - activates the right and left margins of consciousness, and directly associated with it right and left hemispheres of the cerebral cortex. Both hemispheres come to full mode of perception. Included are powerful mechanisms for generic and genetic memory and triggers the inclusion mechanism in the information field of the Earth (Akashic Chronicles). Immune background and metabolic processes are amplified several hundred times. All the chakras are open and fully operational. In addition to the nuclear shield formed a second defensive system diagnostician field from the influence of foreign energy. There is acceleration time.
Bioradioaktivny background in the workplace increased slightly. Blood taken for analysis during the session will show an easy form of leukemia.The first level diagnostics of karma - nuclear. It is described above.The second level of the diagnosis of karma - tantalum (metal residual level reactions). In possession of the body is reconstructed, formed atomic chemical combi-reactor is used as the working metal tantalum raw materials synthesized by the body diagnostician. The chemical reactor is burned dialed domestic and accumulated negativity with the release of ultraviolet and infrared radiation. In this case also there is a strong high-frequency 300-400 thousand hertz and above the electromagnetic radiation along the contour of the biofield diagnostician, unlike the first atomic level, where the process occurs in the spinal column, which had a negative impact on the state of his body. This suggests that the way to the study of color auras is only through diagnostics of karma. And most researcher have to be green with a high degree of dedication. And there is no such thing as some illiterate psychics, "Do you own technique, I - his own." The entrance of this one problem, and I is described.
Over 17 years of healing and other practices I have assisted five thousand five hundred people. Accumulated huge informative material, a sample of which formed the basis of this book. In the book you will find answers to many questions, I will answer your phone calls. But you should know that getting to the universal knowledge of the way - the way the Master of life, try to see the invisible, hear the inaudible, be empathetic, compassionate, careful, careful. All the knowledge that will come to you, check for validity. Meeting with me is only possible on the way. May God help you!
Indigo, Green, Red, Black - who they are! Biofield shell and energokonstruktivnye particular aura of children with yellow, green, indigo and black aura differ significantly from each other. The most irrational Biofield field of personality structure in people with a yellow aura. As a rule, it is the common man - the representative of the fifth race. Aura of eggs: the energy intensity of the cocoon is the same everywhere, but still weak in the area of the knees and heels. The range of electromagnetic oscillations is 66.6 Hertz, a number of Satan's absolutely not related. The Revelation says 666 is not the number of the beast, and the number of a man 6 + 6 + 6 = 18 1 + 8 = 9. Number 9 - Human space code. It is relatively clean genotype of the individual without any structural pathology. cultivators body. Body Evolution, its development is very different from our ancient ancestors. The blood as a source of vitality in yellow has no effective system of self-cleaning, self-poisoning occurs it gradually during the 1000-1200 years. Genus extinct.Indigo
Biofield energy features of the Indigo aura differ significantly from the Yellow aura. The energy field frame on the map seems diagnostics in the form of a rhombic field of two or three rhombuses of blue, purple. Attention is drawn to the unusual nature of this field is clearly not inherent in human genetics earth.
Conventional seven chakras, we are used to, is not here. Each chakra is a rhombus, which by its design features significantly different from the normal chakra. Energy possibility of such a rhombic chakra is a hundred times higher than normal chakra. The second energy shell constructively covers rhombic frame on the tops of lozenges. It Biofield shell earthly man. Both fields are protected by a strong field shell against unauthorized intrusion. Energy first rhombic contour Indigo works on nuclear energy of the spine. Field circuit pumping occurs in extreme conditions. Contour instantly into operation. There is a large release of energy and adrenaline, which gives unlimited possibilities of man-Indigo. Upper information perceptual channel at Indigo closed and opens it in the most unexpected places: the heel, back, etc. Indigo Children are closed on the perception of cognitive information in the usual way through the book, informative sources. It is noteworthy that all Indigo biofield shell first and second (human and rhombic) do not cover his head. Protected thought process there. The illustrations 1 and 2, the symbol of a circle with rays - a symbol of the human soul, in Indigo are two. Two of genetics: the earthly and unearthly. In ancient legends and sacred texts all over the world, including in the Bible, Genesis chapter 6, there are links to visit the Earth extraterrestrial civilizations naturally occurred incest. Especially a lot of details about the Earth visiting representatives of another civilization is on Sumerian clay tablets. Cuneiform texts transcribed by many scientists, including one of them Zecharia Sitchin, give specific facts about the Earth visiting different extraterrestrial civilizations, with the names of the first "man-god". Returning again to the Indigo.
Comparing the above we can safely say that the two persons are in the same body shell, which often do not get along with each other, a clear dominance in the body and psyche are no management. They are born into this world without life and social life of the program. They laid down a program of acquisition of positive experience negative way even in good conditions. No respect for the parents of the program, the state laws of learning. They are lazy, cruel, cunning. They have no compassion, even to friends. They are vindictive, suffer from kleptomania. Physically very strong, have a strong healthy body, rarely get sick. Prone to gastrointestinal disease. Increased hyperactivity cortex, hypersexuality, gipersila. Endurance in ecologically unfavorable environment, can withstand high levels of radiation and chemical contamination. The psychological characteristics at Indigo almost 90% can read such definitions as self-centeredness, stiffness, instability of interests and hobbies, the insufficient level of social perception, the lack of need for the motivational sphere, the low level of claims, lack of perseverance and persistence in achieving goals, and this is not complete list. Negative program built into Indigo children starts from 6-7 years. This is reflected in the child's hyperactivity that affects learning in school. Material metabolize poorly due to increased activity and inattention in the classroom. A serious disease of the cerebral cortex do not have. They prefer to turn out their experience, fenced off from other people's experience and advice. They are very curious that they like. How quickly they are addicted to something, so fast and cool. Optionally, never with a few exceptions, this did not deter them word. As a rule, very polite with adults and it is captivating. Neat and accurate. Try to anybody conflict, resolve a negative situation is not longer responding to it. Come what may. For them the authority - is power, and knowledge is only in second place. Perfectly versed in any technique, especially in computers. Can not read the instructions, adjust any equipment. Work do not like and use for this purpose any tricks. The currently selected friends younger age, to command them.
Fantastic liars, may lie to the absurd. The criminal situation always say that they are led, although this is not always the case. Has an increased ability of suggestion surrounding exculpatory motives in his address. Try everything: from sniffing paint (substance abuse) to the alcohol and is very well versed in it, and his qualities. Rarely get drunk. In case of overdose of liquor out of control, becoming unmanageable. Often they steal home, but they steal very skillfully. They can put a parent in a purse instead of a thousandth denominations of ten rubles in return, at worst, take everything. And then, when the parent almost sticks his head in the wallet in search of money were there, with their Indigo angelic smile asks for money for ice cream. Head of Indigo with vertical and horizontal dashes - are pieces of self-assembled matrix of consciousness. IQ 90% Indigo does not correspond to the physiological age. For example, her 16 years, but the mind and behavior of her like a seven-year child. Parents give the child's body, mind and accumulating it himself.
We are in the schools, in the universities taught that the thought process of excitation and inhibition occurs in the cerebral cortex, which we think them. Latest metaphysical study using triple clairvoyance showed that a person other than the two hemispheres of the cerebral cortex there are two energy fields of the right and left hemispheres of the mind that are in the space around the head. Loose Holey temples bone structure - it is nothing like the local fields of consciousness entrance area of the right and left hemispheres of the cerebral cortex. Any person thinking process takes place in the mind field. The function of the cerebral cortex - the distribution of information on the specific needs of the body. Develops the field of mind - to develop the mechanism of distribution (Figure 8.). In yoga, there are even special exercises to expand the field of reason. The ancients knew this phenomenon. Official science denies it.
Modern Russian psychology, psychiatry and pedagogy do not accept the phenomenon of children with the colored auras. The phenomenon of Indigo, Green, Yellow, Black does not fit the classical scientific concepts. In higher education institutions, secondary and primary vocational education in Russia does not know what to do with this group of students. In critical situations, they simply expelled. Teachers of all levels of education were painted in his own helplessness when faced with this problem.
Fertility Indigo is constantly increasing. In contrast to them there is a increase in Green fertility. Seventy percent of sitting in prison - this is Indigo. Addicts - Indigo. Perverts of all degrees - Indigo. Who in the army shooting guards and his companions? Indigo. In prostitution, mainly Indigo. Throughout the comprehension of negative experiences.
The problem of Indigo, Green, Red, Black deep roots in alien genetics. Most ufologists came close to the issue. And the term "star children" does not always match the quality. Here is more suitable word "hybrid". Earth genetics ordinary person with the introduction of genetics to other worlds. The Bible has the answer to this riddle: "Then the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose" (Bible Genesis Chapter 6). Other sources also said that the sons of God, and looked to the ground from a height of seven heavens and saw how beautiful the earth woman, and went down to join with them in marriage. Many diagnostic cards Indigo, Green, Red and Yellow traces of the invasion. This study probes of various configurations: round, square, triangular with outgoing signals from them. Studying the properties of the implanted sensors (implants) showed their great technological and technical capabilities. A large percentage of Indigo have information transmission implants. Some research found maps studying robotic system with alpha-numeric indices, such as PY-XX951, PI-YY8, owned by Altair, Saturn, Dagon et al. (Fig. 10). It affects the magnitude of the birth of a large number of children with "imported genetics", it means that someone is necessary and peace to something prepared. We are not alone in the universe, a mixture of genetics has always been. Only thirty or forty years or even more, Indigo produced vital program, formed a positive matrix of consciousness, and they are beginning to realize that they need in this life.
I have many Indigo complained that their parents are not home, that home somewhere far ... Native Blood calls and sometimes very aggressively. There is a lot to take on the body, on which you can find a person on the other genetics. About ten or twelve differences.
The material described above is written on the basis of three-stage research material specific individuals. The first stage - the diagnosis of karma on heredity. The second stage - diagnosis of energy fields of the individual: the device configuration. The third stage - the state of the field of consciousness, and its design features.
In terms of future research should aim to go out on the genetics of star parents as possible to study their genetics, location in the galaxy, etc.
Hardware methods of research on color auras are not available due to the imperfection of man-made equipment. There must be a researcher himself green with salad and silver aura, which owns the diagnosis of karma on two levels: the atomic and tantalum, and triple vision, having a high degree of spiritual initiations, one of which must necessarily be a fire, the second - Titan, the third - the "son of God" that is easy to read the Akashic records.
Indigo fiercely resist his study. Their program is initially unreachable code study. Indigo extrasensory very sensitive. Once I made the diagnosis to his son while he was away, and he is a typical Indigo, when suddenly the phone rang. I picked up the phone, and the son said to me: "There you go again on my shaman ... Well, do you got me." I was taken aback by surprise. Indigo is very sociable, they like to be removed from his master's shoulder brand new leather jacket and exchange it for a ragged jerkin a statement to parents that he had long wanted to have this. If your child will go for a walk in the new trendy shoes and come home in torn sneakers with protruding fingers, do not be surprised one more story like, 'that went to a heavy downpour, and it demolished the shoes and to walk home, these shoes in broad daylight gave him one Glory ". Feel free to go to Glory shoes and take away her son.
If Indigo to thirty years will be engaged in self-improvement, then reach some success. If your son or daughter after a long moral raspekaniya for some misdeed said, 'Well, I do not know how it happened, I could not do anything, it goes against my will "- believe him, he is telling the truth. This work program is negative, and make a dent in this program, it is extremely difficult, not having studied the features of the program.
Indigo at life through four stages of development.
The first - from 7 to 12 years. The problems are just beginning, mostly in school: in the classroom restlessness, poor performance. They have a dominant right hemisphere. Prone to learn through tactile sensation. Indigo children receive and send information via emotions and physical senses, although they see and hear information on occupations, their brain does not make it through visual and auditory analyzers. Clairsentience is a form of mental communication or intuition Indigo. They have a sensitive innate abilities. In the classroom if the teacher says about the car, it must be real to a child Indigo could touch her.
According to the American Academy of Pediatrics children more than adults, are subject to the negative impact of environmentally harmful food additives - it's a variety of flavors, dyes, may cause or aggravate behavioral problems. According to a series of studies, food dyes aggravate the symptoms of ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder). When food colors and other food additives removed from the diet, ADHD symptoms subside.
You receive an unhealthy interest in money, but the price they do not know the Indigo. Interest in the technology: can easily make out the technical device, but not always gather. Always busy actively seeking friends like themselves. Among the diseases "frequent guests" at Indigo are all kinds of hepatitis, umbilical and inguinal hernia, enuresis, which is often the traditional medical treatment does not give in, and passes with age to 18 years. Approximately 5-6 years Indigo starts to grow and dominate alien genetics, drowning out the main earth. It seems that an unknown substance in the human body poselёnnaya amazement exploring a new world for her people, learns his negative way. Knowledge lasts up to 30-40 years. Having the experience of the second entity or genetically transformed podselenets "sleep", giving the reins of the earthly body and soul. It wakes up only in extreme situations. Too active actions of the second entity in the Indigo develop into an obsession, which is difficult to deal with - this is the function of exorcism.
The second stage from 12 to 20 years. Full unwillingness to learn, play truant for no apparent reason. IQ is very low. IQ indigo about 80-90 (in the ordinary course of human average IQ 110). They leave the house without the knowledge of parents for a period of weeks to 3 months: wander, work. Circle of communication: thieves, drug addicts, prostitutes. Try drugs and rarely sit on any one. Frankly and brazenly steal home and wherever it is possible. All the gifts that he presented to parents and friends give out or sell. Have often leads to the police. Their sentences more than once. Sport, but has a well-developed body. Love in the big noisy companies celebrate festivals, where they are - good organizers. Many of them play well on the guitar and sing. Adventurers by nature - the risk to the point of criminality. Have a good psychic powers, and a hypnotic influence on others. It is easy to fix and can inspire one or the other situation favorable for them. Surrounding often believe them: their appearance, imaginary helplessness have to yourself. Often, to get out of a difficult situation, bordering on crime, stipulate relatives and friends, and then swear that they did not say. They like to push the parents foreheads nagovarivaya negative father about his mother, and the mother of his father. In the heated family quarrel behave neutrally as if this incident occurred not because of him.
The third stage: 20-30 years. Dreamers and visionaries. After repeated prison otsidok a normal social level out difficult. We need constant unobtrusive help tip. Direct assistance to accept reluctantly, and if they take advice, prefer to take it in allegorical form, which eventually give for his decision. Running around at work, anywhere for a long time without stopping. Living one day. Books read rarely, mostly colorful technical journals for the automotive, arms, audio and video equipment. It is easy to insinuate themselves into the confidence of those who do not know them. Rarely get sick. They are attracted to military service. Responsibilities do not like.
The fourth stage: 30-40 years. Intelligible motives negativity of their actions more and more often become apparent Indigo. They begin to understand themselves, their psychological characteristics, others. Gradually decreases and ceases activity alien genetics. Activated earth genetics, blocked with 6-7 years of age. The process of learning goes by leaps and bounds. 30-40 year-old Indigo surprised anew exploring the world around us. And it is only now beginning to understand that it is not necessary it was to rob, kill, take drugs ... He realized how much is lost and wasted time ... propyl, lost property. Gone to another world, both or one of the parents. Help nowhere to wait, all have turned away.
In the fourth stage appear two sub-steps:a) Be as it will be an endless sitting in prisons without willful effort to change anything.b) A strong desire to change their own destiny, to return the lost, to take their rightful place in society.
But in any case he needs Advisor. Fate rarely takes the Indigo both parents, one still remains. Listening to the advice of his parents, he at the same time looking for a second counselor on the side. And that's fine.
With a strong positive motivation it becomes easy and accessible any business and business. They know how to win the interlocutor. Living for a long time. At 40-45 years old with stable good jobs or their businesses are becoming very economical in everyday life with a dash of pathological greed. Emotions are raging in the soul, is not always reflected on the face of Indigo. He skillfully keeps the mask. At any age, the Indigo is unpredictable in its actions, the feeling of pity or mercy is not always available to him in person. But he has one feature of the soul, which, if it is to capture, allows to control the actions of Indigo at any age. As a rule, any negative situation Indigo plan ahead, indirectly informing the parents in a veiled form, waiting for how parents perceive it. There is a desire to get advice how to act in a negative situation, obtain an indirect approval, and if negative, the calculations to why. This form of "use" Indigo their parents have to catch that will make it possible to nullify any negative situation of your child. 40-50 years to your indigo. May God help you live up to that moment when your heart will choke quiet joy for his son or daughter. More often drive a son, a daughter to church, speak intelligently and wisely with them. If you want to take him to a psychologist, the psychologist should not be a former indigo. Otherwise, visit by visit of the psychologist would be equal to zero, and in the worst case, can dramatically disrupt behavioral motives of your son, daughter.
A good psychologist should know all the nuances of color characteristics of all auras, to know them approach their demeanor. And will not help any psychological tests. Aides psychologist working with these categories of children - is a high spiritual level, an inquisitive mind, knowledge of the occult sciences. If you comprehend all this and even more, then you are out on the path of the master, you - Green! Psychologist, psychiatrist must possess psychic abilities, otherwise that he is a psychologist is necessary to speak in a whisper.
The range of electromagnetic oscillations at the Indigo 30-40 thousand hertz and above. They all can be diagnosed: "insufficient attention span syndrome" with hyperactivity. Prefer nocturnal, resting during the day. They do only what they understand. Do not respond to coercion, notation, and various types of punishment. They love when they are respected and treated as an adult.
Foster children Indigo transform lives of foster parents in hell. In the small "unconscious" plan they are to steal. Negative action program-Indigo children is enhanced by several times in the negative direction after adoption, adoption. Surprisingly, normal children grow up in families of alcoholics in a large percentage. Apparently this is because the program is not broken sharply, planted in these children, as opposed to foster. It plays an important role foster parents negative karma and negative karma of indigo. Often, they are incompatible. By the choice of the child must be treated very carefully and responsibly. It is not always advisable to deprive parents of their parental rights to this category of children. Bodies of social care should be provided targeted assistance to such children in special dispensaries, with unobtrusive techniques corrective actions on their behavioral motives, and parallel work with parents.
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