Biofield - nothing today so not intrigued philosophers and physicists like this concept. Does it? And if there is, then why does not meet all the criteria of science? Can it be responsible for all phenomena that are attributed to him? Questions are many. Replies considerably less. Let's try a little to understand the background and state of the art bio-field.
Fundamental physics postulates a situation today that the carriers are not renowned golf facilities and the space itself. It is easy to imagine the following example - not a magnet generates a magnetic field and magnetic field of the world chooses from a magnetic component. Not a living organism (human, animal, plant) creates an aura, and biological structure - the body accumulates in the space substance called biofield.
A number of prominent scientists, AK Manet, AV Martynov, MA Markov and many others believe that the biofield is the carrier of all the information in the body. AK Manet relying on the thought of Heraclitus that "Power is thinking outside the body," develops the position that consciousness and thinking is not based on protein structures bodily organization, and structure biofield. Going further, he argues that the brain is only a "reader unit".
It is clear what a shock experienced neuroscientists! When we talk about human biofield, we start from the hypothesis that it has components in the form of metabolites in the life and nature of the components with a single over-watering.
Knowledge seekers and ancient philosophers who claim that all life is surrounded by a "shell of the spirit" (energy) has been confirmed by documents "Kirlian effect" allows you to see the human biofield (aura) with high-frequency radiation. There is no doubt for a long time and the fact that most people can be trained to see the aura. Upon learning this, the author has taught hundreds of people to work with the methodology of biofield in particular aura vision. But before we Pohorje about the aura and its components go back again to the current review of the biofield phenomenon.
Among the dozens of approaches to his explanation let me highlight some cited FR Hantseverovym in the works of the International Academy of Energy Information Sciences.
System-energy approach ancient thinkers on the basis of practical experience suggests a single space-time field of the universe, consisting of "free" and "materialized" forms of energy. It was in the past, according to the ancients, it is the human biofield.
Cybernetic model of Academician VA Frolova - The entire universe is permeated by a single field which is part of the field formed by living creatures. Between the components of the field of the universe is a constant energy exchange, synchronizing all processes. Increasing human activity disinhroniziruet processes in space because of what side of the upper hierarchical levels are compensating effects affecting the bio-field of the planet.
The concept of "energy-field" describes the nature of the biofield as a multi-level, reflecting the possibility of "... the variety of ways of registration, storage, transmission, relaying information in a variety of environments." According to this theory the field keeps information on all the sites of interaction of past and future (what is not "space options," V. Zealand?).
Taoist ancient Eastern-Chinese "concept of emptiness" biofield considering how infinitely fills the empty container, - "mother's womb" all forms of life of the universe. This emptiness is seen as never overfill and inexhaustible, ie embraces him everything. Chinese Philosophy in the eternal void introduces the concept of the Great within the confines of the Earth's bio-field from the entire universe. On this boundary spiritual and material merge to form a single unit.
The concept of "continuum of consciousness," prof. VV Nalimova considering biofield as a semantic continuum of the cosmos, which is gradually understood consciousness as evolution. According to V. Nalimov information each has its own distribution function and is distributed as it passes through the filter of consciousness. According to this concept - work is to create new filters.
Model of the interior spaces of academician EA Faidysh very close to the model of seven and octal human body structure of the eastern approaches used for the practical work of parapsychologists and magicians. According to EA Faydysh human world is a multi-dimensional structure and the presence of many psychological (in the Eastern traditions of energy) of the spaces that simulate different aspects of reality. Modern science has revealed the relative differentiation of these spaces and their individual geometry.
The concept of Carl Jung and his students considering biofield as the information structure, which is based on archetypes of humanity, representing the past and the metaphors that are constructs that are semantically linked structure and developing the biofield can purchase a complete integrity in the future.
Electromagnetic hypothesis. It we take a closer look, because it is to some extent explains the many (but not all) aspects of aurologii - the science of aura. Generally accepted fact is the relationship of living matter with magnetic and electronic fields. Although the magnetic field is considered "mild irritant" has long been proven is its effect on all organs and systems of the human body. The magnetic field being inclusive - affects the growth of plants, animals, and all the processes of interchange in the protoplasm. Systematizing these facts and going further Academician IM Kogan has shown that the phenomenon of telepathy, fixed at a distance of more than 6000 km on the ground, and the possibility of communication "earth-to-space" (astronaut experiences with Harry Mitchell), can be explained by electromagnetic waves generated by the human brain. At the same time it points to the factors in this case, super-long waves of more than one hundred km in length. Modern physicists have calculated that the physical characteristics of the electromagnetic signal generated by man inductor (transmission) may well provide them with human recipient receiving over long distances. Make energy, information and physical evaluation of the signal generated by man, as well as quantitative assessment of biophysical aspects involved in making the recipients of the information signal has not been able to refute this hypothesis.
These multilateral views on the nature and understanding of the biofield due to the fact that the long-proven practice of magic and psychic manifestations (telepathy, telekinesis, levitation, the result of magic rituals and spells, etc.) Can not be explained by known fields. Biofield as such is so diverse in its manifestations, and, accordingly, in the approaches to it that there is a common understanding of its components, not philosophers are not physicists.
In future articles, we will consider not general physical concept of bio-field and methodology of the study, and some biopolnoy structure called "aura".
Fundamental physics postulates a situation today that the carriers are not renowned golf facilities and the space itself. It is easy to imagine the following example - not a magnet generates a magnetic field and magnetic field of the world chooses from a magnetic component. Not a living organism (human, animal, plant) creates an aura, and biological structure - the body accumulates in the space substance called biofield.
A number of prominent scientists, AK Manet, AV Martynov, MA Markov and many others believe that the biofield is the carrier of all the information in the body. AK Manet relying on the thought of Heraclitus that "Power is thinking outside the body," develops the position that consciousness and thinking is not based on protein structures bodily organization, and structure biofield. Going further, he argues that the brain is only a "reader unit".
It is clear what a shock experienced neuroscientists! When we talk about human biofield, we start from the hypothesis that it has components in the form of metabolites in the life and nature of the components with a single over-watering.
Knowledge seekers and ancient philosophers who claim that all life is surrounded by a "shell of the spirit" (energy) has been confirmed by documents "Kirlian effect" allows you to see the human biofield (aura) with high-frequency radiation. There is no doubt for a long time and the fact that most people can be trained to see the aura. Upon learning this, the author has taught hundreds of people to work with the methodology of biofield in particular aura vision. But before we Pohorje about the aura and its components go back again to the current review of the biofield phenomenon.
Among the dozens of approaches to his explanation let me highlight some cited FR Hantseverovym in the works of the International Academy of Energy Information Sciences.
System-energy approach ancient thinkers on the basis of practical experience suggests a single space-time field of the universe, consisting of "free" and "materialized" forms of energy. It was in the past, according to the ancients, it is the human biofield.
Cybernetic model of Academician VA Frolova - The entire universe is permeated by a single field which is part of the field formed by living creatures. Between the components of the field of the universe is a constant energy exchange, synchronizing all processes. Increasing human activity disinhroniziruet processes in space because of what side of the upper hierarchical levels are compensating effects affecting the bio-field of the planet.
The concept of "energy-field" describes the nature of the biofield as a multi-level, reflecting the possibility of "... the variety of ways of registration, storage, transmission, relaying information in a variety of environments." According to this theory the field keeps information on all the sites of interaction of past and future (what is not "space options," V. Zealand?).
Taoist ancient Eastern-Chinese "concept of emptiness" biofield considering how infinitely fills the empty container, - "mother's womb" all forms of life of the universe. This emptiness is seen as never overfill and inexhaustible, ie embraces him everything. Chinese Philosophy in the eternal void introduces the concept of the Great within the confines of the Earth's bio-field from the entire universe. On this boundary spiritual and material merge to form a single unit.
The concept of "continuum of consciousness," prof. VV Nalimova considering biofield as a semantic continuum of the cosmos, which is gradually understood consciousness as evolution. According to V. Nalimov information each has its own distribution function and is distributed as it passes through the filter of consciousness. According to this concept - work is to create new filters.
Model of the interior spaces of academician EA Faidysh very close to the model of seven and octal human body structure of the eastern approaches used for the practical work of parapsychologists and magicians. According to EA Faydysh human world is a multi-dimensional structure and the presence of many psychological (in the Eastern traditions of energy) of the spaces that simulate different aspects of reality. Modern science has revealed the relative differentiation of these spaces and their individual geometry.
The concept of Carl Jung and his students considering biofield as the information structure, which is based on archetypes of humanity, representing the past and the metaphors that are constructs that are semantically linked structure and developing the biofield can purchase a complete integrity in the future.
Electromagnetic hypothesis. It we take a closer look, because it is to some extent explains the many (but not all) aspects of aurologii - the science of aura. Generally accepted fact is the relationship of living matter with magnetic and electronic fields. Although the magnetic field is considered "mild irritant" has long been proven is its effect on all organs and systems of the human body. The magnetic field being inclusive - affects the growth of plants, animals, and all the processes of interchange in the protoplasm. Systematizing these facts and going further Academician IM Kogan has shown that the phenomenon of telepathy, fixed at a distance of more than 6000 km on the ground, and the possibility of communication "earth-to-space" (astronaut experiences with Harry Mitchell), can be explained by electromagnetic waves generated by the human brain. At the same time it points to the factors in this case, super-long waves of more than one hundred km in length. Modern physicists have calculated that the physical characteristics of the electromagnetic signal generated by man inductor (transmission) may well provide them with human recipient receiving over long distances. Make energy, information and physical evaluation of the signal generated by man, as well as quantitative assessment of biophysical aspects involved in making the recipients of the information signal has not been able to refute this hypothesis.
These multilateral views on the nature and understanding of the biofield due to the fact that the long-proven practice of magic and psychic manifestations (telepathy, telekinesis, levitation, the result of magic rituals and spells, etc.) Can not be explained by known fields. Biofield as such is so diverse in its manifestations, and, accordingly, in the approaches to it that there is a common understanding of its components, not philosophers are not physicists.
In future articles, we will consider not general physical concept of bio-field and methodology of the study, and some biopolnoy structure called "aura".
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