Information about the aura came to us from ancient times still. If we make an excursion into the past, you will find a lot of evidence
that examined the existence of a substance or spiritual emanations in
all parts of the world that surrounds the human body.The man was close to nature and the degree of development of the senses often depended his life. There have also been sharpened and supersensible abilities, allowing to perceive subtle energy worlds. Suffice it to refer to folk tales legends, to be sure. However, the legend without confirming there are only legends. Let's try to find the confirmation in ancient religions and teachings of different nations.Let's start with the teachings of Indian yogis. In
the classic text on Raja-Yoga "Yoga Sutra" of Patanjali mentioned not
only the existence of subtle bodies, but also about how to develop the
ability to see them. In
the works of other authors yogis are given a detailed classification of
energy fields, their relationship with the various functions and
bodies. In various areas of yoga are different training methods aura vision ability.In ancient China, there are also many different directions and self-improvement systems. For example, the Taoist School, where great attention is paid to the
so-called inner work, ie the development of the energy body and the
mastery of psychic powers.It has its own interpretation of the energy structure of the body and in pagan religions. A clear illustration of this is the practical shamanism interest to
psychotechniques which consistently manifested since the mid 60-ies of
the twentieth century.The most interesting thing that had knowledge of the aura and our ancestors, who lived in the Russian lands. Modern
researcher wizards - mazykov (ethnic Russian, the descendants of
Vladimir Ofen Volga) - A.Shevtsov, psychologist and anthropologist, is
giving them an idea of the aura of the man and the device: "... in the
space of consciousness called mazykov - Okutanka, which is around the
person. In this space, all information is stored. It's a bubble of consciousness that envelops our whole body. Its outer limit of the elbow from the body, and it can feel the hand, if the sum relaxed hand to him. "In
general, how would we not treat of religion, it must be noted that in
its external orthodoxy hidden the true values, in particular, it
concerns the spiritual development of man. And direct analogies can be traced in all the global religions. If
we consider the Christian (in particular, this applies to Orthodoxy),
Buddhist, Lamaist and Hindu iconography, we notice a lot of
similarities, for example, in the image of the halo around the head of
the saint. In addition, the principles of the Hands, posture (especially Buddhist
and Orthodox icons) correspond to the teachings of the closure of the
energy channels or wise.In
almost all religions, paid attention to the top of the human head,
which corresponds to the tradition of yogis finding a higher power organ
of the body - the Sahasrara chakra. Let us examine this in more detail.Despite
this coincidence, as the presence of glow around her head and matching
colors mainly in images of saints in different religions, yet the
question arises: why, along with the image of the aura all the way
around the entire body (and there are also traditions of iconography),
at most images are limited to a halo around his head? Naturally,
the correct form of the halo is in itself speaks of a harmonious
personality, especially around the head glow more intense than around
the body. There is also a correspondence between the aura colors and degrees of
spiritual perfection and development of the different qualities that
affects the color of the halo.Popularizer
and researcher in the field of magic and parapsychology A.Troyanovsky
early twentieth century believed that the halo - is simply iconic symbol
for incarnate (that is, had been transferred from a past life)
spirituality. Most likely, the true, and that is another point of view. That is, the presence of a halo around the head, in addition to
belonging to the spiritual leaders of mankind, is a symbol of
icon-painting, incorporates all the positive qualities depicted, which
is reflected in the color of the halo.But not only yogic and religious groups have been studying this issue. In 1840, Baron Karl von Reichenbach, a German industrialist and
chemist has put a series of experiments in which people took part, able
to see the energy fields around objects.Karl von Reichenbach called them sensitives. Basically, experiments were conducted with field magnets around the vision and crystals. Fields saw a glow and were called odic force. North Pole emits blue light, and the South - the yellow-red. Blue
luminescence was called positive Odom, corresponding luminescence peaks
and the left side of the quartz body of the crystal, and red zhёlto- -
negative Odom, corresponding luminescence crystal and the bottom of the
right side of the body. By
1856, Karl von Reichenbach conducted experiments with 197 sensitives,
50 of whom were doctors, physicists, chemists, philosophers. Report on these experiments was published in a respectable German
Yearbook "Annals of Chemistry", there were placed photographs taken when
blowing out the photographic plate Odom, based on the sensitives
great contribution to the human aura visualization with the help of
electric charges introduced our compatriot, a famous scholar of the late
nineteenth century, Jacob Ottovich Narkevitch-Juodka. In
1891, he opened the way to the aura imaging using an electric charge
based on the electric current capacity, the passage in the emulsion
layer, leaving a visible trace of the manifestation. This method, Yakov Ottovich Narkevitch-Juodka, called electrography. The
fifth issue of 1898 magazine "Photographer - amateur" wrote: "withered
leaf and a piece of living give different prints on the plate, arms and
hands of a healthy person produces paralytic subject on the record
completely different picture." It was about the photographs submitted Ya.O. Narkevitch-Juodka the fifth photographic exhibition in St. Petersburg. They had done quite a lot of pictures illustrating the different states of the human body in different situations. Similar studies were engaged in the Czech physicist B.Navratil, F.Nifer American, German V.Tsapek. A S.Pret Czech scientists repeated the experiments and D.Shlemmer
V.Tsapeka and F. Nifer then suggested an ionic nature of the radiation,
though not excluding unknown type of radiation that can accompany the
discharge process.In 1949 Kirlians first received a copyright certificate for the high-frequency picture. S.D.Kirlian
and his wife V.H.Kirlian experimenting for many years, created a number
of special devices for the high-photographing, the possibility of which
is several orders higher devices Narkevich-Juodka. But
still in all the given cases we are not dealing with the image of some
of the layers of the aura, and visualizing it with an electric charge. This brief historical review allows us to trace the origins of modern practical aurologii.Despite the fact that the question of studying the aura has a fairly
long history, various schools are the structure and image of the aura
differently.Let us briefly consider some of the concepts.1. Aura, according to the ideas of Karl von ReichenbachA feature of his views is the emphasis on one aura property - polarity. Karl von Reichenbach argued that the aura has a distinct two-tone, ie
blue light (positive Aude), corresponding to the luminescence peaks of
quartz crystal, and the left side of the body and the yellow-red
(negative Aude) corresponds to the bottom of the luminescence of the
crystal and the right side of the body.2. Presentation biopopolya as the etheric body and auraIn this case, the concept of "aura" includes all the energy fields, conditionally accepted for a single energy field. Despite the fact that this view is not certain, however, it is most
applicable in cases of specific tasks, such as medical diagnosis of
aural.3. Presentation of the aura, as a combination of terrestrial, astral and mental fields (tel)This point of view is a simplified model of the overall aura of the concept, which will be discussed below. This view has a significant distribution; especially in some occult traditions.4. Octal tradition. The theory of the structure of the human bodyLet us dwell on it in detail. According to this theory, man is composed of eight bodies:1.Physical body (rupa).2.Efirnoe body (linga sarira).3.Astralnoe body (Kama rupa, evestrum, astroid).4.Mentalnoe body (Manas, a body of thought, anima, psyche5.Karmicheskoe body (Nagual body, the causal body, the causal).6.Intuitivnoe body (Bodhi).7.Telo Nirvana (Atma, Spirit).8.Telo Absolute.Let us consider each of these bodies:1. The physical bodyIt is the basis of our physical existence. On the spiritual side of life it affects the physical body only in the
sense that physical health - a necessary condition for the development
of psychic powers and allows us with hard work realized in our higher
purpose.2. The etheric bodyIt is an exact replica of the physical body, but consists of finer etheric matter. On this basis, it is sometimes called the etheric double. The etheric body is the transfer station between the physical and astral bodies. Its
boundaries are spaced from the boundaries of the physical body by an
average of 1 to 1.5 cm, and can be observed bluish-gray haze. In the etheric radiation can judge the human vitality, as the etheric body greatly varies with the physical condition. Throughout his life, the etheric body is the restorer of the physical body. G.Dyurvil, M.Haydel, A. Besant admit that the etheric body may temporarily leave the physical body.3. The astral bodyIt has a more subtle energy structure than essential. It is transparent and colored with different colors. The astral body can be released from the physical and sometimes even apparently at a certain degree of fitness. It
permeates the physical body and surrounds it in the form of aura, on
average, extending to several tens of centimeters beyond the physical. The color scheme of the astral body varies depending on the condition of the person. It is believed that it monitors the status of all the functions and systems of the physical body. G.Dyurvil indicates that it is the abode of "sensitivity, imagination and animal passions ...." It thinks, but more sensual than rationally.4. Mental bodyThe
mental body or "body of thought" is an egg shape, permeates the astral
and physical bodies and forms sparkling, glowing aura. Its size is very variable and up to several meters. Mental energy in the human brain produces thought. With the help of mental energy he analyzes, compares and summarizes, draws conclusions. A.Troyanovsky calls the abode of the mental body will and thought. Here's
how it describes A. Besant: "... its particles are moving quickly,
which gives him the appearance of a living, shimmering in different
colors of light: and as intelligence becomes more developed and has been
more and more pure and lofty themes, it becomes beauty ever more radiant and delicious. " According G.Dyurvilyu, the mental body is the abode of the will and reason. In this body stores all the memories and knowledge we have acquired.(This is the "rational soul," the ancient, "Anima" from the ancient Romans, "Psyche" by the Greeks).5. Karmic bodyD.Huan and Carlos Castaneda described it as ovoid body with a center emanating from the solar plexus. P.Uspensky
believes that "... it causes the body contains within itself all the
action, it is independent from external causes and is the body's will." The teachings of Raja Yoga at the base due to the work of this body. It is believed that the karmic body contains as if the memory of all
past human activities, and what is now called genetic memory - the
memory of past lives.6. Intuitive bodyIntuitive human body is higher than a simple intelligence and give a person inspiration. Vision intuitive and other subtle bodies above the mental, according to most sources, it is impossible. It
is believed that human intuition depends on the degree of development
of the body, as it concentrates in itself all the higher unconscious
processes. It is also a body of super-consciousness. Theosophists ascribe it to this body the possibility of constant communication with the Universal Mind.7. Nirvana BodyThis body is a full merger of the "I" of man with the universe. Here there is a fusion of subject and object, and everything becomes one. According
to Tantrism Nirvana body creates the possibility of permanent union
with the truth, and that gives you a comprehensive sense of love and
bliss. A.Ghosh indicates that Nirvana's body as it dissolves into the cosmic consciousness and brings it inside. Modern Theosophists believe that due to the very subtle matter,
Nirvana can penetrate the body and be interconnected with all the other
worlds.8. Absolute BodyIt is this body is a complete analog "soul" and the integrator of all the seven bodies of man. According to leading Theosophists, the energy of the body consists of a collection of energies of all other bodies. All sources indicate the mandatory proportion with the development of
other bodies and the inability to extract information "Absolute Body"
from space without the full development of the main seven bodies.According to this concept, the visible part of the aura is composed of astral and mental bodies. The etheric body is actually not related to the aura.In
addition to these, there are other types of aura structure
classification, but most of them are either considered a different
interpretation, or part of them. Some sources consider the human aura in a completely different tradition. Mismatch views explained specifically as follows: Firstly, difference vision levels, ie Human
ability to see the aura, depending on the degree of fitness and natural
data (these factors in different people are different); secondly, the difference in the traditions of the aura consideration, ie the
fundamental idea of the philosophical views of certain areas or
certain schools, giving the respective interpretation of vision and is a
kind of filter through which passes any information; Third, the various objectives pursued by different schools and
different people, considering the aura or in terms of diagnosis, or to
examine the moral or spiritual qualities.Naturally,
this leads many researchers from all variety to choose only interested
in the factors that often distorts the overall objective picture. For these reasons, there is often confusion in terminology. Often the same term refers to a completely different concept. For example, the term "astral" in yogic and occult traditions are different concepts.To
identify the human energy bodies at different times offered different
names: aura, aura, bioplasma ... In our view, the term "biofield" is
unacceptable if only because of the fact that energy-field is not
confined to biological objects, but also objects of nonbiological
nature. Furthermore,
strictly speaking, the term "bio-field" can only be associated with the
energy bodies, which are close to human activities, i.e. physical and, to some extent, the etheric body, but in no case can not represent all the energy-structure.Summing
up, we can say that the aura is formed by all shells person and depends
on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual states.
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