- is the main parameter of nature, without it in nature nothing is
happening, why it is necessary and it is important to know the mechanism
of action of time. Causal
law, though admits strict in physics is purely declarative nature of
philosophical interpretation of determinism - the philosophical doctrine
of the ubiquitous natural interrelation phenomena of the material
world, where all the phenomena associated with the interdependence of
causal relationship to earlier events. All
sections and directions of modern physics describing the laws of nature
- quantum, electromagnetism, relativity, fluid dynamics,
thermodynamics, mechanics of Newton and all the other lacks the most
important parameter of nature, completely missing the physical executor
of this determinism - the concept of "flow of time" of the present time in future performing causality of events, so there is no concept of
cause and effect states of matter matter and the role of time in causal
events changing states of matter.
The scientific research and analytical work: - "Physics of cause and effect & Physics properties of states of time or general theorem vremenny'h spaces", shows that time is not an outside passive observer, in the intervals of which events occur, and thanks to the active mechanism of action in the nature of time events arise (there is a change and movement), shows the structure and the nature of time, the physical equations shown time the mechanism of action in a sequence of causal events. The analysis shows the properties identified and time form the causal nature of the action and the course of time shown they (properties) form of action known physical laws. Showing why things are moving this way and not otherwise explained as time physically (not just verbally, logically) provides a consistent binding event causes a result of an event, described how the movement of bodies in space affect the chain of events in time. Shown as scalar energy (J, E, B, heat and so on.) The mechanism of the course of time is transformed into a vector force movement. Complementing shown in Einstein's general relativity the force of gravity forms a passage of time in the sequence of events vremenny'h shown that the so-called "dark energy" and "dark matter" in the universe is a manifestation of the effect of the properties of time shows the reasons for their properties, and even more.
The scientific research and analytical work: - "Physics of cause and effect & Physics properties of states of time or general theorem vremenny'h spaces", shows that time is not an outside passive observer, in the intervals of which events occur, and thanks to the active mechanism of action in the nature of time events arise (there is a change and movement), shows the structure and the nature of time, the physical equations shown time the mechanism of action in a sequence of causal events. The analysis shows the properties identified and time form the causal nature of the action and the course of time shown they (properties) form of action known physical laws. Showing why things are moving this way and not otherwise explained as time physically (not just verbally, logically) provides a consistent binding event causes a result of an event, described how the movement of bodies in space affect the chain of events in time. Shown as scalar energy (J, E, B, heat and so on.) The mechanism of the course of time is transformed into a vector force movement. Complementing shown in Einstein's general relativity the force of gravity forms a passage of time in the sequence of events vremenny'h shown that the so-called "dark energy" and "dark matter" in the universe is a manifestation of the effect of the properties of time shows the reasons for their properties, and even more.
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